A positive turn is taking place in Muleba homes, quietly

Orton Kiishweko

There is a quiet turn of things taking place in this Kagera district. What is happening is a radical result of what started as a haste intervention by the state, 3 years ago, to stop deaths of children from what had initially been viewed as a strange outbreak, yet it was the well known malaria.

I need not go far. Today, I went to Rubya hospital, Muleba’s major district hospital. In the paediatric ward, which used to host close to 100 children per day of malaria cases, hardly has 3 children per day todate.

Looking back, as 2006 ended,this same hospital had the ward full,with 3 children per bed and extra tents erected on the outside.In the words of the Kagera Acting Regional Medical Officer Emmanuel Kabirige, the scene had a similarity with an IDP camp. “It was scary.” he told me yesterday.

Thanks to a combination of different factors.

Many people have been fast to conclude that the wide home spray,which started in 2007 in the district was/is DDT(dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane). It is not.

The region authorities made an intervention of spraying people’s homes with an Icon drug under a system known as Indoor Residual Spray(IRS) from this drug made from pyrethrum.
The IRS intervention is been extended to all other 5 districts in the region, and it is currently in second phase.

Other interventions were insecticide-treated bed nets, widespread home spraying, rapid diagnostic kits, lifesaving drugs and public education, which he says, are now transformeing malaria from a major killer to a rare affliction in the two districts that were worst hit, Muleba and Karagwe.

Figures of how much the prevalence rate has come down, have not yet been published, but for a disease that is this country’s number one enemy, now becoming less of this district’s worry, one just watch this space as I dig further.

Old structures of Bushekya hospital where Executive Director of UN-HABITAT Ana Tibaijuka was born,some 50 years ago.She is now contesting for the area Parliamentary seat on the CCM ticket.As she calls it a day at the UN,many note that she will be remembered for her humanitarian legacy
  • she has done nothing,and she is greedy so are we telling young people to vote for her through ccm ha ha ha that’s a jock we need change we are tired of greedy leaders since 1960 where are we and what’s the future for poor tanzanian,look at our friends kenya and uganda what they are doing.its time for change

  • But even when you go to those countries that Gabinus Takkinen has pointed at as being exemplary,there is hardly something to boast of on the rural ground.Systems in this EA region are as weak as they are similar

  • Cheap Populism on first week in Govt by Prof Tibaijuka is a racist, corrupt and unethical as proven by how she was removed from the UN. She fought and organised a march once she was removed based on racism and gender inequality, despite the fact she had stolen USD 7 Million and built many properties in Tanzania with the money.I think racism is poor excuse for political intereference and false propaganda. Some facts:

    -Tanzanians of Indian origin are not the only ones facing lands issues. With increase in urban populations and economic growth, there is tremendous pressure on land and land value, hence the increased interest in land.

    – If a country is to be ruled by law, the Government must respect the courts, whether they like the outcome. Would the writer like it if a Government official came to their house and decided it must be demolished because they say so. And even if you had a title deed.

    – Cheap populism is not a way to run a country. When the dust settles, the law will take its course and Government may pay huge sums of money.

    – It is also clear the certain newspapers, whose editors and owners come from the same region as Prof Tibaijuka, are practising tribalism and racism for cheap populism. You may wish to know that some of these people come from what was Rwanda, and knowing about the nature of tribal genocide in that country, it is dangerous for a Minister to be using cheap populism based on racism,tribalism and any form of prejudice.

    -There is a reason why Govt has set up TIC and other investment protection. One of the reasons was that Govt officials and Ministers used to disrespect law and destroy/nationalise and take people’s property. Are we now repeating the mistakes of the 1970s?

    – Prof Tibaijuka herself was pushed out of the UN Habitat for misuse of USD 7 Million. If you recall, she organised a march by friends and family members to protest her innocence. However, the UN system stood firm as the evidence against her for damning, and so her career being destroyed by a demotion in UN, she spent money to become an MP and now practises cheap populism in Tanzania.

    – The writers and editors of newspapers who practise should remember this kind of cheap journalism is a double edged sword. People who are over 50 came from many different countries, tribes and races before indepedence, hence inciting racism is a dangerous practise.

    – Many Tanzanians of african origin, are also in court where they have stolen billions of dollars from Government and so far, they are all free. Most are from Prof. Tibaijuka;s clan, including Jonson Lukaza, his family, Malegesi, Maganda and others. Why are the journalists silent on cases not moving forward in these matters?

    – Prof Tibaijuka should not be taking about corruption as she was demoted and removed from the UN because of being corrupt and abusing funds.

    – Lastly, I do not know the developer as I am based in london. But I recall such behavior by Govt Ministers and cheap populism to take people’s properties in the 1970s.

    The writer above, should be mindful. Perhaps the best way would be to take his property from his family and children and then see how much he likes Prof Tibaijuka.

    Racism and cheap politics is not acceptable in modern democratic socities!!

    It would be mean we would have to call Prof Tibaijuka as Tanzanian of Tutsu origin,former President Mwinyi of Comorian origin, Former President Mkapa a Tanzanian of Makonde origin from Mozambique…and the list goes on…..

  • -Every thing should be done according to the situation prevailing,especially to our leaders have to work with the Tanzanian’s problems and not otherwise.


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