Mwangosi Killing: Commander Kamuhanda acted illegally says Commission

Jamii Africa

The brutal killing of a Tanzanian journalist Daud Mwangosi earlier in September this year as reported by this Ireporter was partly caused by an illegal order issued by Iringa Regional Police Commander Assistant Commissioner of Police Michael Kamuhanda. According to Tanzania’s Commission on Human Rights and Good Governance Mr. Kamuhanda had no legal authority to issue a directive that was rejected by CHADEMA – Tanzania’s largest political opposition.

According to the commission’s report released to the public yesterday by Justice (rtd) Amir Manento (in the picture holding part of the report)–the Chairman of the commission – CDM was conducting an internal meeting duly called and legally defensible which was to be addressed by the party’s Secretary General Dr. Wilbrod Slaa. The meeting according to various sources that the commission consulted was for the opening of the party local branch in Nyololo village. The first branch was opened peaceful without any major incident until the time when the party cadres were ready to open the second branch.

Justice Manento holding the commission’s report


It was here at the second branch CDM’s supporters and party leaders were forceful dispersed by the police after they refused to halt the meeting that was going on inside the proposed office. When Commander Kamuhanda arrived at the local branch he issued directive for the leaders to cancel the meeting because there was an order that forbade all political meetings in the country due to the national census that was going on in the nation.

It was this order that Justice Manento and his team found to be illegal. “The order given by him (Kamuhanda) was illegal for it was given by a person not authorized to issue such an order. This is a colossal abuse of power and a contravention of principles of good governance” said Justice Manento. The commission stance on Kamuhanda is an unambiguous condemnation of the methodology, tactics and chains of command of the Tanzanians police force.

On September 2 a freelance journalist Mr. Daud Mwangosi was covering a local meeting of CDM where some of the national leaders of the party were to be involved. According to various reports including audio-visual elements Mr. Mwangosi was one of the journalists who were questioning vehemently police’s order to halt the internal meeting. He was a well recognized individual because at the same time he was the regional chair of Iringa Press Club. The reports show that Mwangosi decided to intervene when another journalist Godfrey Mushi was being attacked by a group of armed police officers. It was then that the police officers turned to Mwangosi and started assaulting him in the visual proximity of the regional police Commander who chose to remain silent which was interpreted as permission for the junior police officers to continue with their assault. It was during this incident that one police officer fired a Chinese made tear bomb in a very close range blowing up Mr. Mwangosi in broad day light.

So far only Pacifious Cleophace Simon (23) the police officer who is accused of shooting Mr. Mwangosi has been detained, remanded, and charged in a court of law for his involvement in the killing. Others including the police officers who are accused of assaulting Godfrey Mushi and Mwangosi remain in their positions including RPC Kamuhanda. Mr. Kamuhanda was involved in another police killing of four demonstrators earlier this year in Ruvuma; he was the Police Regional Commander before his transfer to Iringa.

It is not known whether the political leadership of the country and the police central command will take any disciplinary or legal action against Kamuhanda especially in light of the commission’s report by one of Tanzania’s most esteemed jurist. Justice Manento commission has not issued any directive for further legal steps against Kamuhanda. Legal pundits are waiting to see if the Director of Public Prosecution will initiate any process against the RPC.

(Story by M. M. Mwanakijiji, Picture by Mwanakombo Jumaa of MAELEZO)

Justice Manento holding the commission report
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