Bugarama Village Pregnant Women deliver without knowing their HIV status

Swaum Mustapher

THE loss of the HIV testing kit at the Bugarama dispensary, Kahama district in Shinyanga has made pregnant women to deliver without knowing whether they are infected or not.

The Bugarama Ward Medical In-Charge, Dr John Malongo said that they lack the testing kit since last year February.


Mr William Mkome, the Community Service Provider of Bugarama village (left) and the journalist of this article

He said that they have been advising the pregnancy women to go for testing in Lunguya health centre which is more than 20 km from the village.

He added that others were advised to go for testing at the nearby private center called ABG-VCT Centre. But he was cautioned by saying, “Many do not go and test by fearing to known their status.” 

Dr Malongo also said that the situation has made the medical attendants to be at risk of getting infections too because they are not sure of the status of the mothers.

However, Ms Monica Joseph (23) a pregnant woman of eight months and resident of Bugarama village said that she has not tested because the dispensary do not have the testing kit.

“I was told to go and test somewhere else, I did not go, it’s far from here, therefore I am waiting to test at the dispensary,” she said.

Ms Helena Maziku (20), delivered at the dispensary without being tested. she said there were no testing kit also.

According to 2012 population data, Bugarama dispensary serves ten villages and has a number of 45152 people.

Meanwhile; according to the 2007/2008 Tanzania HIV and Malaria Indicator Survey (THMIS) And in Shinyanga it shows that the transmission of HIV/AIDS is 7.4 Per cent.


The Bugarama dispensary buliding

The Regional AIDS Control Coordinator, Dr Mawazo Saleh mentioned few factors for the transmission of the disease as multiple sexual partners, early sex, alcoholism and commercial sex workers.

She said others are social, economic and political gender inequalities including violence against women, local cultural practices like widow cleansing, lack of male circumcision whereby only 26 per cent have been circumcised in the region.

Also Mr William Mkome (46) the Community Service Provider in Bugarama said that commercial sex and temporary sexual relationships are highly practiced. He said that in the village, in every three households, there are two people living with HIV/AIDS. 

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