AN infant of two months was picked by a good Samaritan in a bush near Mshimakamano Primary School area at around 7.00 pm in Musoma Urban district, Mara Region.
The Doctor In-Charge of Mara Regional Hospital, Dr Iragi Ngerageza said that the child was picked by unknown Samaritan and taken to the Police Station for investigation.
Dr Iragi Ngerageza, the Doctor In Charge of Mara Regional Hospital explaining an issue during an interview in his office
He said, the police station later brought the child to the hospital for formation and later will be taken to the orphanage center.
In taking care of the child the medical attendants in the hospital have put shifts to make sure the child is fed, changed clothes and washed every day.
The Nurse Midwife, Ms Naabu Giraruma said that they have shifts of taking care of the child while waiting to be taken to the charity center.
Ediltruda Thomas, a Registered Nurse of Mara Regional Hospital as one of the nurse who have a shift of taking care of the child, Mussa
“Since the child was brought here every medical attendant here is responsible for him in making sure he drinks milk, changed of the clothes and washed also,” she noted.
She added that the woman who picked the child wanted to adopt him failed due to the national policy of adopting the children.
An Act to provide for the adoption of children says that an adoption order shall not be made in respect of a child unless the applicant or, in the case of a joint application, one of the applicants has attained the age of twenty-five and is at least twenty-one years older than the child; or has attained the age of twenty-one and is a relative of the child; or is the mother or father of the child.
Ms Giraruma called upon people with good heart to contribute anything for the child including powder, clothes and milk.
According to Ms Giraruma, the child was named Mussa and he is the second child to be brought to the hospital after being picked in the street and given the same name.
Ms Giraruma said that last year another Samaritan picked an infant of few months on the road late in the evening; they raised the child for two months and then the child was taken to Bweri Charity Center.
Mussa (left in bed and right is his luggage which was found near him when he was picked by the good Samaritan
Another Nurse Midwife, Ms Annastela Ishengoma said that they have been naming the picked children Mussa since Prophet Mussa was also picked from the river Nile and was raised by the Pharaoh’s family.