The following is the statement issued earlier today by JamiiForums – the most prominent Tanzanian online social gathering. The popular political forum played a crucial role in a lead up to the General Elections in October 2010 by being the most authoritative source of political news, discussion and debate. However, few days ago JamiiForums came under a well calculated and targeted attack by the ruling party – Chama cha Mapinduzi – which accused the forum for being “anti-CCM” and “anti-government”.
The statement was distributed to a variety of media outlets in the country and abroad as well as to a number of interested parties.
Contact: Mr. Maxence Melo
Plot 1258, Mibega Street
| Box 4203, Dar es Salaam
| Tel: 0222843510
| Email: [email protected]
JamiiForums social network refutes categorically allegations leveled by CCM’s Vice Chairman Mr. Pius Msekwa concerning its ownership, administration and its place in the political discourse in Tanzania
APRIL 19th, 2011 – Dar-Es-Salaam, TANZANIA
JamiiForums is a social network which started in early 2006. It was known then as but since 2008 it has been known as It is part of Jamii Media Company portfolio of services. On average, over 20,000 people visit the forum daily and spend at least 17 minutes browsing at least 11 pages per person. The membership registration increases at the rate of 25% every month. Currently there are about 40,000 registered members.
This makes JamiiForums one of the most popular, vibrant and visited website that is owned and operated by Tanzanians. Its sphere of influence permeates all levels of Tanzanian society wherever the internet is available, including mobile internet.
We would like to inform the Tanzanian public and our members that the allegation leveled against JamiiForums on April 14th, 2011 by the mainland Vice Chairman of the ruling Revolutionary Party – Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Mr. Pius Msekwa when introducing his party’s new leadership lineup in Dodoma are without merit and defamatory. We believe they were intended to threaten all independent minded Tanzanians from airing their opinions through various online media outlets such as JamiiForums and other global social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. This is very unfortunate especially in this Digital age.
The same allegations were reported by a number of Tanzanian Dailies on two different days. On April 12th, 2011 Nipashe and Mtanzania newspapers reported on CCM’s Task Force report which according to the newspapers detailed factors that contributed to massive electoral loss of the ruling party in the general elections October last year. On April 14th, 2011 government owned newspaper Daily News reported on Mr. Msekwa’s speech. Part of his speech was aired the same day on TBC – a government owned and operated national television station.
Mr. Msekwa’s allegations against JamiiForums seem to have been based on a report which we gotten hold of. Part of the report states:
Online social networks such as blogs, facebook, YouTube and twitter have made it easier to mobilize people. The increased number of educated Tanzanians as a result of expansion of secondary schools and higher learning institutions in the country has led to emergence of knowledge society and entrenched use of social networks to share information. A vivid example is Jamii Forums (one of local online forums) which has been established by youth belonging to CHADEMA that works to undermine CCM and the government.
The allegation that JamiiForums is working “to undermine” the ruling party and the government are purposely tailored to defame this forum and challenge its credibility which we have built painstakingly and at a very heavy price in the past few years. They’re aiming to threaten our members and Tanzanian members of other online communities such as Facebook and Twitter from exercising their right of free speech and association and make them feel as if they are doing something illegal.
This is a weak and mediocre attempt by the ruling party to try to lay blame on JamiiForums and other social media for its poor showing in the last year’s election. By not focusing on its own political wrangling within the party CCM is shifting the blame to innocent bystanders such as our forum.
We would like to assure our fellow Tanzanians and especially our loyal members and guests who visit our forum for news, discussion, and friendship that this forum was not created by “Chadema youth”, has never been financed by Chadema or any other political party for that matter and continues to be the most free and undiluted media source in Tanzania and about Tanzania. Any Tanzanian and other people regardless of their gender, religion, place of origin or location can register freely for membership.
From its inception and onward JamiiForums has relied mostly on the contribution of its members and the support of respectable organizations in the country such as Tanzania Media Fund. As part of Jamii Media Company we have also relied on providing premium advertising space on website to respectable Tanzanian commercial enterprises without compromising our mission to be a place where Tanzanians “dare to speak openly”.
We believe our forum was targeted by the ruling party simply because we have played an enviable role in exposing major corruption scandals that have reflected negatively on the party and its government. As a matter of fact we believe even the recent attempts by the ruling party to renew itself have a basis in what we do. Instead of blaming us, CCM should have tried to find some truths in what we do before labeling us “anti-CCM” or “anti-government”.
The allegations have caused us a lot of trouble from our worried members and from our partners whose support we have relied on over the years. We could not let these unfounded allegations remain unchallenged for by doing so we would have given a clear signal to CCM’s pundits to harass the exercise of free media in Tanzania or to start a campaign of fear against organizations that seem to be out of their control.
We would like to assure our esteemed members here in Tanzania and abroad as well as interested fellow Tanzanians and supporters that JamiiForums will not be shaken or cowered by those in power. We will continue to be an independent media source without establishing ties to any specific political organization in the country. This forum will continue to be a free online forum for all Tanzanians regardless of their political affiliation, religion, tribes, location or any other differentiating factor.
We will continue to be the most free discussion forum without any fear, prejudice or favor to anyone – a party or individual.
It is a good weighted response. I propose no further responses, because it will start an unneccesary exchange of unfounded counter responses. I based my argument on the low level of comprehension and understanding of the CCM party and members
Wanapochanganyikiwa, wanachanganyikiwa vibaya!
Huku ndiko kunakosemwa kuhunyahunya kwa CCM. Kwa kweli kwa hujuma walioifanyia nchi hii tokea Nyerere ang’atuke tunaweza kwa uhakika kabisa kusema “CCM are authors of their own demise” nddiyo kusema ni watunzi wa yanayowakuta na wanafahamu fika hatima yao katika uongozi wa nchi hii.
Hebu tafakari, Nyerere aliiongoza nchi hii kukiwa na misukosuko kibao toka kwa jirani kama Msumbiji, Rhodesia waliokuwa wakifanya kila wawezalo kuihujumu serikali na bado alimudu kutusomesha bure, kuwapatia watanzania matibabu ya bure tena bila ubaguzi, alianzisha viwanda vingi kabisa kama vya simenti, nguo, usindikaji, na hata kufaulu kujenga reli ya uhuru. Lakini alipoondoka manyang’au walivamia uwanja, wakaharibu kila chema alichoacha wakijiuzia viwanda kwa bei ya kutupa, kung’oa mitambo, kuiuza nje na majuma yaliyokuwa viwanda kugeuzwa ma”godowns” ya kuwekea mitumba toka nje! Vyovyote watakavyojitetea, CCM imehusika kikamilifu kuifilisi nchi hii na kuifanya kama ilivyo! Sasa watanzania wameamka na wanadai haki yao. Historia imethibitisha kutoshindwa kwa umma ulioamka kudai haki zao na CCM wanalijua vema hilo. Ndiyo maana unamwona mzee mzima kama Msekwa anajiumbua kwa kutoa allegations zisizo na ukweli! Wanatafuta kila njia kujiokoa lakini inavyoelekea mkondo huu wa maji ni mkali kiasi cha kuwasomba wote, wao na makuhani wao wa ufisadi walioliua Azimio la Arusha kweupeee bila hata aibu. Mungu ibariki nchi yetu, harakisha angamizo la CCM na makuwadi wao.
Mimi nadhani kunasababu ya kuwaelimisha Hawa Wana CCM kwasababu ni uneducated, ni mambumbumbu wa kufukiri, mimi nilishangaa sana kusikia hiyo statement na nilimshangaa sana Sita kwasababu mimi mwenyewe nilikuwa nategemea sita hatakuwa na fikra za kimbumbumbu kiasi hicho. sasa sijui kwenye CCM nani anaafadhali yaani Wanajichujuachujua na kujivunguavungua na kubaki kama mazandiku wa kuyaudi walio kosa chakua hehehehehe
Inasikitisha MNO. Yani tunaibiwa halafu hatutakiwi kusema.Mimi nadhani CCM ingefanyia kazi mapendekezo na maoni ya watu kuliko Kutishia kujamba wakati wanaharisha. Sasa FIKRA PEVU hata ingekuwa ya Chadema So What? Are Chadema not Supposed to Talk in this Country? Samahani kwa kimombo hapo.
Mawazo na maoni ya watu kuliko Kutishia kujamba wakati wanaharisha. Sasa FIKRA PEVU hata ingekuwa ya Chadema So What? Are Chadema not Supposed to Talk in this Country? Samahani kwa kimom goo goo
Mtu mwenye mawazo MGANDO mara nyingi ni tatizo ktk jamii, na hasa bahati mbaya akabahatika kuwa kiongozi ni balaa zaidi! Huwezi kuzuia watu wasiseme wakionacho hata kama kinakukera, pole sana nyinyiem kupoteza mwelekeo!!
Bloggers wapewe haki yao ya kujieleza