Tears of rape victims

Fred Okoth

Two women are battling emotional pain after a forceful carnal knowledge by mine security officers.

Nassarian Matayo (25) a disabled woman  and Neema Mollel (19) both of Kigwasi sub-village in Kalalani village in Korogwe district are still fighting back their tears as they struggle to face reality to the fact that Amazon Mining Company security officers raped them with impunity.

On the fateful day, Ms Matayo had gone up the hills fetching firewood as she tended the family goats.

Ms Matayo says that she was soon to be under arrest accused by Amazon security officers that she was a miner who had invaded their mining area to carry out illegal mining  activity on a private land.

Ms Matayo says after having been arrested, she was stripped naked before hell broke loose when they started raping her in turns.

It is after the raping exercise that I was frog matched to their station before meeting other two women in the bush who were also collecting firewood.

Ms Matayo says that she begged the security officers to let her go because in truth as a disabled person and pregnant, it was logically clear that she was not a miner.

“ They discussed among themselves that letting me go would be a risk to them if in any case I would reveal the truth that I had been raped,” Ms Matayo says as tears rolled down her cheeks.

She says that the Amazon security officers discussed among themselves that the woman is unlikely to be a miner but now that they had raped her, they knew it would be a disaster if she got home in that state.

“ If her family- the Maasai community realize that she had been raped, I promise you it is going to be a disaster on our part and even if we escape, the company is going to bear the brunt,” Ms Matayo told said that one security officer had warned his colleagues.

Ms Matayo says they were forced into the security officers van and driven to Tanga where they were put behind bars awaiting official charges before they were taken before court to answer charges of trespass and stealing.

“Nobody was courageous enough to argue our case amicably because of ignorance and fear of reprisal from the company and the police who were part of the conspiracy,” Ms Matayo claims.

“I had no say and for five months, I struggled at the court to win my freedom,” she bitterly adds.

Rehema Kileo, the third woman who also went through the raping ordeal told of her sorrows at her home in Kigwasi sub-village on the material day.

Ms Kileo says that she was raped by three men and later handcuffed.

“I was herding family goats when the Amazon security officers lay their dirty hands on me,” Ms Kileo bitterly says.

“ Three men raped me without shame until I was weak and helpless but by sheer luck, I was not taken away to Tanga as my fellows in what they claimed that in my rebellious, fearless attitude, I would dare reveal the crime they had  committed against us,” Ms Kileo bravely says.

Ms Kileo says that after the ordeal, she was admitted in hospital where she was hospitalized for a week.

Ms Kileo says her other two colleagues were Namitu Chikanoi and one Ndidayi who were however not lucky to escape the court charges.

Ms Kileo blames the district government officials who have not been ready to let the villagers affected receive justice even after village leaders having sent them the report on crimes committed by the mining company officials.

 “We are living with deep anger in our hearts wondering why a government which is supposed to support its people is posing a blind eye at a time innocent citizens are suffering,” she regrettably says.

Ms Matayo says that during the bitter ordeal, the only person who was near and provided help was one Neema her fellow in the case.

“ Neema could help we walk the stares, help walk to the toilet and bathroom,” she bitterly narrates and then burts in to uncontrollable cry.

The rape victims have not had any help and the authorities do not have anything to say on their predicament.

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